


To unleash

Every Beautifully Strategic values-based mission on the world through technology + training.



A World

Where everyone fulfills their own beautiful, values-based vision.

Our Mission

To unleash every #BeautifullyStrategic values-based mission on the world through technology + training.

Our Vision

A world where everyone fulfills their own beautiful, values-based vision.

A Brief History of MTM Executives

Since it was founded as Urban NYCHE in 2006, MTM Executives has helped small business owners thrive in two of the toughest world markets – New York City and the Greater Boston Area.

While always in communications, we didn’t start in tech but with local, small business events. Having been raised in a family business and with experience in public relations, it was a simple, values-based decision for company founder, Rogera C. Toussaint Michel… Promoting those events on small business budgets, however, wasn’t as easy.

Luckily, Rogera also had a bit of basic computer programming skills. So, along with everyone else who helped source Joomla, she built an event marketing platform for MTM Executives. In 2016, that platform grew into Urban NYCHE Marketing when expanding into Massachusetts and being incorporated.

In 2020 Urban NYCHE Marketing, Inc. rebranded to MTM Executives and turned its surprisingly successful, New England business network into The MTM Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. The MTM Network by The MTM Institute, also Directed by Rogera and a board of directors, now operates internationally.

Today, MTM Executives also operates internationally since partnering with graphic designer, Tammy Tran, to offer clients user experience and user interface design services in the U.S. and Canada. Together, Rogera and Tammy build, manage, and repair brand strategies to connect audiences through shared values. Through #BeautifullyStrategic they also train executives and teams on brand strategy, design, and sales and marketing technology.

#BeautifullyStrategic Events

We help brands create values-based, audience relationships with #BeautifullyStrategic Events.

Every #BeautifullyStrategic Event includes:

  • One (1) Meetup.com or Eventbrite listing
  • One (1) Facebook, LinkedIn and Google listing
  • Contact and content management
  • Event setup, hosting, and breakdown

BeautifullyStrategic Communities

We help brand audiences execute shared missions with #BeautifullyStrategic Communities.

  • One (1) Virtual event each month
  • One (1) Meetup group
  • One (1) Facebook, LinkedIn or Google group
  • Contact and content management
  • One (1) Community email newsletter each month
A woman holding up a bright and happy smiley face emoji

Got Content? Can you find it when you need it? Organizing and repurposing content is essential to any brand’s growth. Tracking keywords, monitoring hashtags, and keeping captions on message is what separates strategic from blind social media management.

We build content marketing strategies to monetize online, mobile, and offline platforms while keeping content organized, on brand, and on budget. If you’re not already using your content to sell on social media, you’re likely missing out on potential customers. According to a study by Hootsuite, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products.

Of course, we can’t all be photographers with English degrees or savant coders with a huge social media following. Most of us need help creating engaging, visually stunning content and consistently distributing it across multiple channels. We provide that help while aligning your content with our sales goals.

If you have or are considering a blog, click below to learn about our integrated content writing packages. Or keep reading for more about our social media services.

Social Media Management for Small Business

Our team of seasoned copywriters, talented photographers and more take care of the content and social media process so that small business owners can focus on selling. We understand the nuances of each social media platform and can tailor any content strategy to maximize engagement and conversions while accommodating a team’s unique skills and resources.

From aligning blog and social media content to branded Canva templates, we create custom digital products and strategies for your business. We can keep it simple or reach out to our network of industry-specific copywriters to award-winning video editors to help you build a team around your specific needs.

In a survey by the National Small Business Association, 63% of small businesses reported that social media helped them attract new customers. Today, small brands no longer have to struggle to keep up. Automation and cloud-based systems make it easy for anyone to manage hundreds of social media accounts all in one place, saving brands time and energy.

Reclaim your time now by choosing from the options below and scheduling a time to get started.